📄️ Working with Services
IO River service represents a portion of your traffic, it is logically equivalent to a Website in Cloudflare, a Property in Akamai, a Service in Fastly, a Distribution in CloudFront, etc.
📄️ Steps for Creating a Service
In order to create a service, you should follow these steps:
📄️ Configuring DNS
After you created your service, and added a CDN provider, you can start accessing your content. In order to do so, you first need to set up the default Traffic Policy:
📄️ Deleting a Service
If you no longer want to use a service, you can delete it. Be aware that before you can delete a service, you first need to change any domain which is directed to the service CNAME.
📄️ Service Settings
Once service is created, different service settings can be modified. The service settings page can be accessed either via the service card under the Services tab, or via the Settings icon located next to the service name in the service sidebar.