📄️ Origins Overview
Origin is where your content is being stored, for example a S3 bucket or other HTTP server. You can define multiple origins within a single service. When you create a service you are required to define at least one Origin. After the service is created, you can define additional origins for your service.
📄️ Adding an Origin
You can have multiple origins in your service. Each origin is defined by hostname or IP address, along with additional properties which can be defined.
📄️ Origin Advanced Settings
You can define advanced settings such as custom ports, timeouts, and more under Origin's Advanced Settings. However, it's important to note that not all CDN providers support every custom setting.
📄️ Updating & Deleting an Origin
Updating an Origin
📄️ Origin Shield
Once Origin is created, you can set origin-shield for it. Origin-shield provides another caching layer before content is retrieved from the origin. It is another CDN POP (Point of Presence), usually with high cache capacity, which requests pass through prior being forwarded to the origin. Origin-shield can significantly improve the CDN cache offload, resulting in better performance and lower DTO.