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Unified Access Log Format

IO River provides the ability to get CDN access logs in a unified format. When you configure streaming of logs to a logs destinations, the logs will be sent in a gzip files. The gzip files will contain a json arrays with multiple elements, each element represents a single HTTP request to the CDN.

Log Fields

Field NameTypeDescription
service_uidStringService UID (used in CNAME)
service_idStringID of the Service (GUID)
providerStringCDN provider which handled this request
timestampStringRequest timestamp
response_bytesIntegerSize of the response
status_codeIntegerHTTP status code of the response
pathStringRequest path
domainStringRequest domain
refererStringRequest referer
geo_locationStringEnd user country code
http_versionStringRequest HTTP version
user_agentStringRequest user agent
is_cachedBoolIndicates whether the request was served from cache
methodStringRequest method

Log Line Example
