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Streaming of Access Logs

IO River provides the ability to get CDN access logs in a unified format. Meaning, logs from all CDNs will be streamed using the same format for easy processing. In order to set up logs, you first need to configure a log destination. Then you need to define a Behavior to stream logs to this destination.

Creating a Log Destination

To create an access-log destination:

  1. Navigate to your service.
  2. On the sidebar, choose Access Logs.
  3. Click on the Add Destination button.
  4. Fiil the new destination form:
    • Destination Name - Type a friendly name for the destination.
    • Destination Type - Select a type of destination.
    • In case of S3 bucket:
      • Pick either Access Key or Assume Role as credentials type, and fill your bucket credentials.
      • Bucket Name - Type the S3 bucket name
      • Path - Use / for root path, or specify other path prefix within the bucket.
  5. Click on Save Changes

Once created, the new destination will show up in the list of logs destinations.

Streaming Logs to Destination

In this step you will set up log streaming to the configured destination by configuring a Behavior. You can either create a new behavior, or add an Action to an existing one.

To stream logs by creating a new behavior:

  1. Navigate to your service.
  2. Choose the Behaviors tab.
  3. Click on the Add New Behavior button.
  4. Fiil the new behavior form:
    • Name - Enter the name of the new behavior
    • Path Pattern - Wildcard expression which identifies the paths to apply the behavior on.
    • Click on the Add Action button.
    • In the Action Type dropdown, select Stream Logs.
    • Log Destination - Select the log destination previously created.
    • Sample Rate - Type the percentage of logs which should be sampled and sent to the destination.


Configuring streaming of logs on a path pattern with high volume of traffic and high sample rate, can result in a high load of logs being sent to your log destination.