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Add a CDN Provider to your Account

To add a CDN provider to your account:

  1. Sign in to your account
  2. Choose the CDN Providers tab
  3. Select your CDN provider from the list.
  4. Provide the API credentials for the provider. Each provider requires different credentials, see below how to create an API user in your CDN.
  5. Check Add Commitment, if you have want to take your contract traffic commitment into account when routing traffic to this provider. For more information, see Creating a Cost-Base Traffic Policy.
  6. Click Apply.

The CDN provider is now part of your account, and you can add it to any of your services. To add a CDN provider to your service:

  1. Navigate to your service.
  2. Choose CDN Providers in the sidebar.
  3. Select the CDN provider you want to add.
  4. Click on Add

The service configuration will now be deployed on this CDN and you can now route traffic to CDN by adding it to a traffic policy.

See the following guides on how to create an API user for your CDN: