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What is a Behavior?

A Behavior in IO River is defined by:

  • A path pattern which identifies the portion of the traffic the behavior applies to, for example /api/*.
  • A list of actions which will be applied to traffic matches the path pattern.

IO River supports a long list of actions which can be added to a behavior, including the following:

  • Cache Behavior - Whether the content should be cached or not.
  • Cache TTL - The time duration that the CDN is allowed to keep the content in cache.
  • Cache Key - Defines the componenets of the cache key used to store objects in the CDN cache.
  • Status Code Cache - The time duration that the CDN is allowed to keep specific status code - responses in the cache.
  • Allowed Methods - The list of HTTP methods that is allowed for this service.
  • Compression - Whether the CDN should compress the content.
  • Cached Methods - The list of HTTP methods that the CDN will cache their responses.
  • Host Header Override - By default the viewer host header is sent to the origin, you can specify a different host header.
  • Set Response Header - Add a custom header which will be added to the response.
  • Set CORS Header - Add a CORS header which will be added to the response.
  • Browser Cache TTL - The time duration that the browser is allowed to keep the content in cache.
  • Redirect To URL - Send redirect response with a specific URL.
  • Redirect HTTP to HTTPS - Send redirect response
  • Stale TTL - Set the amount of time the CDN can serve expired content from the cache in case there is a problem to fetch it from the origin.
  • Stream Log - Logs will be steamed to your logging destination (for example S3 bucket)
  • And more…