Low Latency Streaming

Low Latency Streaming

Michael Hakimi

You’ve watched sports, and you’ve seen how the commentator’s words match the on-screen action perfectly. The stream is reaching thousands, if not millions of viewers, so how come it’s so stable and seamless, especially when over 50% of online video service providers identify overcoming latency as a key challenge? You can thank low latency streaming for that!

The goal of low latency streaming is to reduce the delay between when video content is captured and when it is displayed on your screen, ensuring a smooth viewing experience. So, what magic is happening in the back end? Let’s figure it out:

What is Low Latency Streaming?

Low latency streaming refers to the process of delivering video content with minimal delay between the source and the viewer. In simple terms, it's all about how fast a video can travel from the camera capturing the event to your screen.

Latency, in the context of video streaming, is the time it takes for a video signal to travel from the source to the viewer. It is typically measured in seconds or milliseconds. 

High latency can cause issues such as lip-sync errors and buffering, leading to viewer dissatisfaction. More than 28% of viewers may leave a stream if it buffers​. 

Here’s some context:

  1. Standard Latency Video Streaming: Standard video streaming methods often have a latency of 30-60 seconds. This might be fine for on-demand content (VODs), but it can be problematic for live events where real-time interaction is crucial.
  2. Low Latency Video Streaming: Low latency streaming aims to reduce this delay to a few seconds, typically between 2-5 seconds. This is more suitable for live events where timely delivery is essential.
  3. Ultra Low Latency Video Streaming: This takes it a step further, reducing latency to less than a second. This is ideal for applications requiring instant feedback, such as gaming or financial trading.

Key Components of Low Latency Streaming Technology

While the concept is simple, there are many underlying components making it a reality:

1. Content Capture

The process begins with content capture, where video and audio are recorded using cameras, microphones, or other input devices. 

The efficiency and quality of this initial step play a significant role in determining the overall latency.

  • High-Quality Equipment: Using high-quality cameras and microphones ensures clear and precise capture, reducing the need for extensive processing later on.
  • Real-Time Encoding: Encoding the video and audio signals in real-time minimizes delays from the start. Specialized hardware encoders can perform this task more efficiently than software solutions.

2. Encoding and Compression

Once captured, the video and audio signals need to be encoded and compressed to reduce the file size, allowing for smoother transmission over the internet. 

This process must be done quickly to maintain low latency.

  • Efficient Codecs: Using efficient codecs like H.264 or AV1 helps compress the video without sacrificing quality, allowing for faster transmission.
  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR): This technique adjusts the video quality based on the viewer's internet connection, ensuring a smooth experience even with fluctuating bandwidth.

3. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of distributed servers that deliver content to users based on their geographical location. 

CDNs work for video streaming by bringing content closer to the viewer, and are in-fact, are a significant part of the entire architecture. 

  • Edge Servers: CDNs use edge servers located near users to cache and deliver content quickly, reducing the distance data must travel.
  • Load Balancing: Distributing the load across multiple servers ensures that no single server becomes a bottleneck, improving delivery speed and reducing latency.

Check: Best CDN for Video Streaming

4. Streaming Protocols

Streaming protocols are responsible for the efficient transmission of video data over the internet. Different protocols offer varying levels of latency, and choosing the right one is critical for low latency streaming.

  • Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP): A popular choice for low latency live streaming, RTMP provides those quick speeds and is widely supported.
  • Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC): Designed for peer-to-peer communication, WebRTC enables ultra-low latency streaming, making it ideal for interactive applications like video conferencing.
  • HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) with Low Latency: Traditional HLS can have higher latency, but with recent advancements like Low-Latency HLS, it can offer reduced delays while maintaining compatibility with a wide range of devices.

5. Video Playback

The video playback component involves decoding and displaying the video on the viewer's device. Optimizing playback is essential to maintaining low latency and ensuring a smooth viewing experience.

  • Efficient Decoding: Using hardware acceleration and efficient software decoders minimizes processing time on the viewer's device.
  • Buffer Management: Managing the buffer effectively ensures minimal buffering time without sacrificing playback quality, allowing for low latency delivery.

6. Network Infrastructure

The underlying network infrastructure is a vital component in achieving low latency streaming. A robust and reliable network ensures that video data is transmitted quickly and efficiently.

  • Bandwidth Optimization: Sufficient bandwidth is essential for delivering high-quality, low-latency streams. Optimization techniques, such as traffic shaping and prioritization, help ensure smooth data flow.
  • Latency Reduction Techniques: Techniques like packet prioritization and reduced hops in data transmission paths contribute to minimizing latency.

Challenges in Achieving Low Latency Streaming

Let's explore some of the key challenges in achieving low latency streaming and how they impact the delivery of real-time content.

1. Network Congestion

Network congestion is one of the most significant challenges in low latency streaming. When too many users access a network simultaneously, it can lead to delays and reduced quality.

  • High Traffic Loads: During peak times, high traffic loads can cause congestion, leading to increased latency and buffering.
  • Limited Bandwidth: Limited bandwidth in certain regions or networks can exacerbate congestion, making it difficult to deliver high-quality streams quickly.


  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR): ABR dynamically adjusts the video quality based on available bandwidth, ensuring smoother playback even during congestion.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): CDNs help distribute content across multiple servers, reducing the strain on any single server and minimizing latency.

2. Encoding and Decoding Delays

The process of encoding and decoding video signals can introduce delays, especially if not optimized for low latency streaming.

  • Complex Encoding Algorithms: While complex algorithms improve video quality, they can also increase processing time, leading to delays.
  • Hardware Limitations: Older or less powerful hardware may struggle to encode and decode video quickly, impacting overall latency.


  • Hardware Acceleration: Utilizing hardware acceleration can speed up encoding and decoding processes, reducing delays.
  • Efficient Codecs: Employing efficient codecs like H.265 or AV1 can compress video without excessive processing time, aiding in low latency delivery.

3. Buffering and Jitter

Buffering and jitter can significantly impact the viewer's experience, causing interruptions and delays in playback.

  • Excessive Buffering: While buffering ensures smooth playback, excessive buffering can increase latency, especially in live streaming.
  • Jitter: Variability in packet arrival times can cause jitter, leading to uneven playback and increased latency.


  • Buffer Management: Optimizing buffer size and management can strike a balance between smooth playback and low latency.
  • Jitter Buffer: Implementing a jitter buffer can help manage variability in packet arrival times, smoothing out playback.

4. Geographical Distance

The physical distance between content servers and viewers can introduce latency, as data must travel longer distances.

  • Long Transmission Paths: Longer transmission paths increase the time it takes for data to reach the viewer, leading to higher latency.
  • Cross-Border Traffic: Cross-border traffic may experience additional delays due to regulatory and infrastructure differences.


  • Edge Servers: Using edge servers strategically placed near users can reduce the distance data must travel, minimizing latency.
  • Global CDNs: Employing global CDNs can help distribute content more efficiently across regions, reducing latency for distant viewers.

5. Protocol Limitations

The choice of streaming protocol can impact latency, with some protocols introducing more delay than others.

  • Traditional Protocols: Protocols like HTTP-based streaming often introduce higher latency due to their nature.
  • Incompatible Protocols: Not all protocols are suitable for every application, leading to potential delays if not carefully chosen.


  • Low Latency Protocols: Utilizing protocols designed for low latency, such as WebRTC or Low-Latency HLS, can significantly reduce delays.
  • Protocol Optimization: Optimizing protocol settings can help minimize latency, ensuring a more responsive streaming experience.

6. Device Compatibility

Ensuring compatibility across various devices can pose a challenge, as not all devices are optimized for low latency streaming.

  • Diverse Device Ecosystem: The wide range of devices with different capabilities can make it challenging to deliver consistent low latency experiences.
  • Outdated Software: Older software or operating systems may not support the latest low latency technologies, introducing delays.


  • Cross-Platform Optimization: Developing solutions that work seamlessly across multiple platforms ensures broader compatibility.
  • Regular Updates: Encouraging regular updates to software and devices can help users access the latest low latency features.

7. Real-Time Analytics and Monitoring

Monitoring and analyzing streaming performance in real-time is crucial for identifying and resolving latency issues.

  • Lack of Real-Time Insights: Without real-time insights, it can be challenging to identify the root cause of latency issues.
  • Complex Analytics Tools: Complex or inaccessible analytics tools may hinder the ability to act quickly on performance data.


  • Real-Time Monitoring Tools: Utilizing real-time monitoring tools provides insights into network performance, encoding efficiency, and delivery speed.
  • User Feedback Integration: Incorporating user feedback helps identify latency issues and areas for improvement.

Protocols and Technologies for Low Latency Streaming

Here are some of the most effective protocols and technologies for low latency streaming:

1. WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication)

WebRTC is a powerful protocol designed for peer-to-peer communication, enabling ultra-low latency streaming. It is widely used in applications requiring real-time interaction, such as video conferencing and live streaming.


  • Peer-to-Peer Connection: WebRTC establishes direct connections between devices, reducing latency by eliminating the need for intermediary servers.
  • Adaptive Bitrate: It supports adaptive bitrate streaming, adjusting video quality based on network conditions to maintain low latency.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: WebRTC is supported by most modern browsers, making it accessible across a wide range of devices.

Use Cases

  • Video Conferencing: WebRTC is ideal for video conferencing applications where real-time interaction is crucial.
  • Interactive Gaming: Its low latency capabilities make it suitable for interactive gaming and other applications requiring instant feedback.

2. Low-Latency HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)

Low-Latency HLS is an extension of the traditional HLS protocol, designed to reduce latency while maintaining compatibility with existing devices and infrastructure.


  • Chunked Encoding: Low-Latency HLS uses chunked encoding to deliver smaller video segments more frequently, reducing latency.
  • Backwards Compatibility: It maintains compatibility with traditional HLS, allowing seamless integration with existing systems.
  • Efficient Caching: The protocol supports efficient caching strategies to minimize delays in content delivery.

Use Cases

  • Live Sports Streaming: Low-Latency HLS is suitable for live sports streaming, where viewers demand real-time access to events.
  • Broadcasting: It is used in broadcasting applications where low latency is essential for delivering timely content.

3. Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)

RTMP is a widely-used protocol for live streaming, known for its low latency capabilities. Although it has been around for some time, it remains a popular choice for real-time applications.


  • Persistent Connection: RTMP maintains a persistent connection between the server and the client, reducing delays in data transmission.
  • Low Latency: Its design supports low latency streaming, making it ideal for live broadcasts and interactive applications.
  • Flexible Integration: RTMP can be integrated with various streaming platforms and devices, offering flexibility in deployment.

Use Cases

  • Live Broadcasts: RTMP is commonly used for live broadcasts, where reducing latency is essential for a seamless experience.
  • Interactive Streaming: It is suitable for interactive streaming applications, such as online auctions and live Q&A sessions.

4. SRT (Secure Reliable Transport)

SRT is an open-source protocol designed for secure and reliable streaming, focusing on low latency delivery. It is particularly useful in challenging network conditions.


  • Error Correction: SRT uses error correction techniques to ensure reliable delivery, even in unstable network environments.
  • Encryption: The protocol supports encryption to secure video data, protecting it from unauthorized access.
  • Low Latency: SRT's design prioritizes low latency, making it suitable for live streaming and real-time applications.

Use Cases

  • Remote Broadcasting: SRT is used in remote broadcasting scenarios, where network conditions may vary.
  • Live Events: Its low latency capabilities make it ideal for live events, ensuring timely delivery of content.

5. MPEG-DASH with Low Latency Extensions

MPEG-DASH is a widely-used streaming protocol, and recent extensions have focused on reducing latency for live streaming applications.


  • Dynamic Segmentation: MPEG-DASH uses dynamic segmentation to deliver video content more frequently, reducing latency.
  • Adaptive Streaming: It supports adaptive streaming, adjusting quality based on network conditions to maintain a smooth experience.
  • Wide Compatibility: MPEG-DASH is compatible with various devices and platforms, making it a versatile choice for streaming.

Use Cases

  • Live TV Streaming: MPEG-DASH with low latency extensions is used in live TV streaming, providing viewers with real-time access to broadcasts.
  • Corporate Webcasts: It is suitable for corporate webcasts, where low latency is essential for delivering timely information.


In essence, achieving low latency streaming is a game of choosing the right low latency video streaming protocols and technologies. It’s a non-negotiable aspect of modern digital content delivery, and ensures that viewers can enjoy real-time experiences with minimal delay. 

Published on:
August 20, 2024
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