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What is the Difference Between DNS-based and HTTP-based Load Balancing?

Edward Tsinovoi
Load Balancing
July 28, 2024

DNS-based load balancing distributes traffic based on DNS queries, while HTTP-based load balancing manages traffic at the application layer using HTTP protocols. DNS-based is simpler but less dynamic; HTTP-based is more flexible and can handle complex traffic management.

Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on your specific needs and infrastructure.

DNS-Based Load Balancing

DNS-based load balancing leverages the Domain Name System (DNS) to distribute traffic. When a client makes a request to a domain, the DNS server responds with an IP address. In DNS-based load balancing, the DNS server can respond with different IP addresses based on the load balancing algorithm in use.

How It Works:

  1. DNS Query: A client requests the IP address for a domain.
  2. DNS Server Response: The DNS server responds with an IP address from a pool of available addresses.
  3. Client Connection: The client connects to the provided IP address.


  • Simplicity: Easy to set up and maintain.
  • Global Reach: Effective for distributing traffic across geographically dispersed data centers.
  • Cost-Effective: Lower operational costs compared to complex load balancers.


  • Caching Issues: DNS responses are often cached by clients and intermediate DNS servers, which can delay the propagation of changes.
  • Less Dynamic: Can't easily adjust to real-time changes in server load or health.
  • Granularity: Limited control over traffic distribution and lacks detailed insight into traffic patterns.

HTTP-Based Load Balancing

HTTP-based load balancing operates at the application layer (Layer 7 of the OSI model) and uses HTTP protocols to manage traffic. This type of load balancing can understand the specifics of HTTP requests and distribute them accordingly.

How It Works:

  1. Client Request: A client makes an HTTP request.
  2. Load Balancer: The load balancer examines the request and applies rules to decide which server should handle the request.
  3. Server Response: The chosen server processes the request and sends the response back through the load balancer.


  • Flexibility: Can make load balancing decisions based on detailed information within the HTTP request, such as URL, headers, cookies, etc.
  • Advanced Features: Supports features like SSL termination, HTTP/2 Server Push, and HTTP/3, which can enhance performance and security.
  • Real-Time Adjustments: Can dynamically adjust to changes in server load and health, providing better performance and reliability.


  • Complexity: More complex to set up and manage.
  • Cost: Higher operational costs due to the need for more sophisticated infrastructure.
  • Performance Overhead: Adds a layer of processing, which can introduce latency.

DNS vs. HTTP Load Balancer

When comparing DNS-based and HTTP-based load balancing, it's essential to understand the different layers at which they operate and the implications of these layers.

DNS Load Balance:

  • Operates at the DNS resolution level (Layer 3/4).
  • Primarily focuses on distributing traffic based on IP addresses.
  • Best for simple, broad distribution, especially across geographically dispersed servers.
  • Limited in making real-time traffic adjustments and handling session persistence.

HTTP Load Balancer:

  • Operates at the application level (Layer 7).
  • Distributes traffic based on detailed HTTP request data.
  • Ideal for complex, fine-grained traffic management within a data center or across multiple data centers.
  • Can handle session persistence, SSL offloading, and other advanced features.

HTTP/2 Server Push and HTTP/3

With the advent of newer HTTP protocols, HTTP-based load balancing has gained more advanced capabilities.

HTTP/2 Server Push:

  • Allows servers to send resources to clients proactively, before the client requests them.
  • Can improve page load times by pushing critical resources, reducing round-trip times.
  • Load balancers supporting HTTP/2 can manage these pushes, ensuring that clients get the necessary resources promptly.


  • Based on the QUIC protocol, HTTP/3 offers reduced latency and improved performance.
  • Uses UDP instead of TCP, providing faster connection setups and avoiding head of line blocking.
  • Load balancers that support HTTP/3 can leverage these performance improvements, offering a smoother and faster user experience.

When to Use DNS-Based Load Balancing

  • Geographically Dispersed Services: If your services are spread across multiple regions or data centers, DNS-based load balancing is a straightforward way to route traffic to the nearest or least loaded region.
  • Simple Traffic Distribution: For services that don't require fine-grained control over traffic or session persistence, DNS-based load balancing offers a low-cost and low-maintenance solution.
  • Redundancy and Failover: Provides a basic level of redundancy and failover by distributing traffic across multiple IP addresses.

When to Use HTTP-Based Load Balancing

  • Complex Traffic Management: If you need to make decisions based on detailed HTTP request data, such as routing based on URL paths, headers, or cookies, HTTP-based load balancing is the way to go.
  • Advanced Features: For services that can benefit from SSL termination, session persistence, HTTP/2 server push, or HTTP/3, HTTP-based load balancing provides the necessary support and capabilities.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: In environments where real-time adjustments to server load and health are critical, HTTP-based load balancers offer the needed flexibility and responsiveness.