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What Factors Affect Time To First Byte (TTFB) in Website Performance?

Rostyslav Pidgornyi
September 20, 2024

Time to First Byte (TTFB) is influenced by server performance, network latency, DNS resolution time, and content delivery network (CDN) configurations. Improving these factors can reduce the time to first byte, ensuring your website loads faster and offers a better user experience.

Here’s what you need to know about TTFB: it’s basically the time it takes for your server to respond to a request before delivering anything to the user’s browser. The shorter that time, the faster things appear to load. Virtually, there is a plethora of factors impacting TTFB, but you just need to nail these ones:


1. Server Performance

This one’s a big deal. Your server's speed directly impacts your TTFB. If your server is slow to process requests, then your TTFB will increase, and that means users are stuck waiting for something to happen.

How it affects TTFB: 

A poorly optimized or overworked server takes longer to generate a response, leading to a high TTFB. It can be anything from outdated hardware, overloaded servers (especially on shared hosting), or inefficient server-side scripts.


You can upgrade your hosting to a faster server, ideally one that uses solid-state drives (SSDs). Another option is optimizing your server configuration. 

If you’re using PHP, make sure to cache the responses and scripts efficiently, and use a well-configured web server (like Nginx or LiteSpeed) that handles requests faster than traditional Apache setups.

2. Network Latency

This is all about how fast data travels between the user and your server. The physical distance between your server and the user’s location plays a major role here.

How it affects TTFB: 

If your server is located far from the user, the request takes longer to reach it, and the response takes longer to get back to the user. This round-trip latency increases the TTFB.

Studies on cloud and fog computing show that geographically distant users experience up to 400 ms of added latency.


A Content Delivery Network (CDN) can solve this by distributing your content across multiple servers globally. When someone visits your site, the request gets routed to the nearest server, reducing that distance and cutting down network latency. 

CDNs like Cloudflare or Akamai help a lot here. So, if you want to reduce the time to first byte for users globally (allegedly having the biggest performance impact), use a CDN.

3. DNS Resolution Time

The time it takes for your domain name to be translated into an IP address (DNS resolution) also contributes to TTFB. While this might sound like a small factor, it adds up.

How it affects TTFB: 

If your DNS provider isn’t fast or is having issues, this lookup process will take longer, delaying the user’s request from even reaching your server in the first place.


To reduce this, make sure you’re using a fast and reliable DNS provider. Providers like NS1, Google DNS, or Amazon Route 53 are known for their speed and reliability. 

Also, keep your DNS records clean and minimal, avoiding unnecessary redirects that could add extra resolution time.

4. Server-Side Caching (or Lack of It)

If your server has to reprocess every request, generate content dynamically, and then send the response, that’s going to take longer.

How it affects TTFB: 

Without caching, your server has to do the same work repeatedly, which increases the processing time, and ultimately, the time to first byte. 

Every user who visits your page forces the server to generate the content from scratch.


Implement server-side caching like Varnish or Redis. These technologies allow your server to store pre-generated responses and serve them instantly when someone requests the same content again. 

This means your server doesn’t have to reprocess everything every time, significantly reducing the TTFB.


5. Backend Database Performance

If your website relies on a database (like WordPress), the time it takes to fetch data from the database can add to your TTFB. Slow queries, inefficient database setups, or heavy traffic can all lead to delays.

How it affects TTFB: 

A slow database makes your server wait before it can even start generating the page, which increases TTFB. This is especially true for complex queries or large, unoptimized databases.


You can optimize your database by indexing it properly, optimizing queries, and using caching mechanisms to avoid hitting the database for every request. 

Make sure your database server has enough resources and is tuned for your website's needs.

6. Compression and Resource Size

The size of the data being sent from your server to the browser matters too. 

If your server is sending huge resources (like large images or uncompressed code), that can affect how quickly the first byte gets delivered.

How it affects TTFB: 

Large file sizes slow down the response because the server takes longer to process and start sending the data. The browser, in turn, has to wait for that first byte.


Use Gzip or Brotli compression on your server to reduce the size of files being transferred. Also, optimize your images, minify your CSS and JavaScript, and get rid of any bloat in your code. 

A lighter payload means faster delivery of that first byte.

7. SSL/TLS Handshake

If your website is served over HTTPS (which it should be), the SSL/TLS handshake can add time to the TTFB. This handshake happens before the first byte is transferred, establishing a secure connection between the server and the browser.

How it affects TTFB: 

A slow SSL handshake delays the delivery of the first byte. If your server isn’t optimized for SSL, or if the SSL certificate provider is slow, this can add unnecessary latency.


You can speed up SSL/TLS handshakes by using modern protocols like TLS 1.3, which reduces the number of round trips required. Also, make sure your SSL certificate provider is fast and reliable. In well-configured setups, the SSL handshake should only add around 10-50 ms to the TTFB.

8. Server Location and Configuration

Your server's geographical location and overall configuration can significantly affect TTFB. 

If your server is far from your primary audience or if it’s not configured to handle requests efficiently, it can add time to the process.

How it affects TTFB: 

A poorly configured server located far from your audience means slower request and response times. This increases the time to first byte, leading to slower loading times overall.


Host your site on a server that’s close to your audience or use a CDN to mitigate this issue. Additionally, optimize your server configuration to handle requests as efficiently as possible.

BONUS Factors

Here are some additional factors that have a lesser, but still considerable impact on TTFB:

Factor How it Affects TTFB Solution Impact Level Effort to Fix Tools to Test Additional Info
Firewall Configurations Adds delay by filtering traffic before server response Use fast, optimized firewalls Moderate Low Pingdom, GTMetrix Focus on DDoS protection without heavy delays
Third-Party Scripts External scripts can delay first byte Minimize third-party scripts Moderate Medium Lighthouse Remove non-essential external resources
Content Management System (CMS) Bloat CMS plugins and themes may slow responses Optimize your CMS, remove unused plugins Low Low GTMetrix, WebPageTest Especially true with WordPress plugins
Too Many Redirects Each redirect adds time before first byte Minimize unnecessary redirects Low Low Redirect Checker Ensure clean, minimal redirect paths
Backend Language Choice Slower languages affect server response Use fast, compiled languages or optimize scripts Moderate High WebPageTest Language efficiency varies depending on usage

These factors can still add to TTFB, though they generally have a smaller impact compared to the main factors covered above. Optimizing them can further reduce your TTFB for an even faster site.

According to Page Speed Plus, if your TTFB exceeds 800 ms, your server is likely underperforming or overburdened.

Check this guide for more know-how on reducing your Time to First Byte (TTFB).