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How Does Using Next Gen Formats Improve Web Performance?

Michael Hakimi
Web Performance
September 20, 2024

Using next-gen formats for static content, like WebP and AVIF, improves web performance by reducing file sizes without sacrificing quality. This leads to faster load times, reduced bandwidth usage, and an overall better user experience.

According to a behavioral study, users form an opinion about your website in just 0.05 seconds, and if it doesn’t feel fast, they’re less likely to stay. Since images and videos are the most bandwidth-demanding assets of a webpage, it’s one of the first components to optimize for better web performance.

Here’s the core of it: next-gen formats like WebP, AVIF, and JPEG 2000 are specifically designed to reduce file sizes while maintaining image quality. They’re optimized for modern web usage, meaning they’re better at compression than the older formats, like JPEG or PNG.


How Next Gen Formats Help

Here’s the deal: Next-gen image formats use advanced compression algorithms, allowing them to offer more without any visible damages to quality. Here are some to keep in mind:

Image Format Compression Type Compression Rate Image Quality File Size Browser Support
WebP Lossy and Lossless Moderate High (for both lossy and lossless) Smaller than JPEG/PNG Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari (partial for older versions)
AVIF Lossy and Lossless High Superior image quality at smaller sizes Smaller than WebP Chrome, Firefox, Safari (recently added), Edge
JPEG XR Lossy and Lossless Moderate High Smaller than traditional JPEG Internet Explorer, Edge
HEIF/HEIC Lossy and Lossless High Excellent for smaller sizes Smaller than JPEG Safari, Chrome (via extensions), Edge
JPEG 2000 Lossy and Lossless Moderate High Smaller than JPEG Safari (partial), some other specialized applications

1. Speed Improvements

The most obvious benefit is the boost in speed. Websites can load faster because browsers don’t need to download as much data to display the same visuals. From personal experience, I’ve seen websites cut image load times by as much as 40% just by switching to WebP. 

You can imagine what that does for your overall load time, right? Every millisecond counts. Faster pages directly lead to lower bounce rates because users aren't sitting around waiting for things to load. They're engaging with your content faster, and the site feels more responsive.

I often think about it in terms of first impressions. When a page loads quickly, it feels smoother, and that matters. Slow-loading images lead to frustration and, more often than not, users bounce before even seeing what your site has to offer. With next-gen image formats, you’re ensuring that people stay long enough to actually experience your content.

2. Bandwidth Savings

When you're talking about web performance, another thing to think about is bandwidth. Large image files mean more data needs to be transferred, which eats into both your server’s bandwidth and your user’s data (especially mobile users). 

By using next generation images, you’re cutting down on the data each page needs to load, which means faster loading times on slower connections and less strain on your server.

For instance, let's say you’re running an e-commerce site with lots of high-resolution product photos. Every user loading those images is draining resources. With next-gen formats, the file sizes are smaller, which means users can load images more quickly, even on mobile networks. 

The faster your images load, the quicker users can browse through your products. In practical terms, this means a better e-commerce experience for the user and less load on your server, especially if you have high traffic.

3. Improved Core Web Vitals

I don’t know how familiar you are with Core Web Vitals, but they’re Google’s way of measuring how fast and responsive your site is. They look at things like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), which is a fancy term for how long it takes the largest item on your page (often an image) to load. 

When you optimize your images by converting them to next-gen formats, you’re speeding up that LCP metric, and that’s huge. Better Core Web Vitals scores lead to better search rankings. 

I’ve seen the difference firsthand: sites that implemented next-gen formats not only performed faster but saw their SEO rankings improve, too. Google loves fast sites, and if you’re shaving precious seconds off your load times, that’s a win for both performance and SEO.

4. Real-World Example

From my personal experience, I’ve worked on a project where we swapped out all the images on a blog-heavy site with WebP versions. The result? The page size dropped by around 30%, and the overall site load time was reduced by nearly 50%. 

That’s a game-changer when you’re trying to provide a smoother experience for users. It wasn’t just the main landing pages either. Every blog post, every image-heavy article benefited from the switch, and that meant readers were staying longer, clicking around more, and engaging more deeply with the content.

Even on mobile, where bandwidth can be more limited, this change made a noticeable difference. People using 3G or slower 4G connections were no longer waiting ages for images to load, and that was reflected in the site’s analytics—higher session durations, fewer bounces, and better overall engagement.

5. Compatibility Considerations

Now, you might be thinking, "This all sounds great, but are all browsers ready for next-gen formats?" The good news is most major browsers support WebP and AVIF. Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, for instance, handle these formats just fine. 

Safari took a bit longer but supports WebP now, and AVIF is gaining more traction. For those rare cases where someone’s using a browser that doesn’t support the format, you can use a fallback to JPEG or PNG, but that’s becoming less and less of an issue as the web evolves.

How to Implement Next Gen Formats?

The easiest way is to automate the process. There are tools like ImageMagick, Squoosh, or even WordPress plugins that will convert images to next-gen formats on the fly. 

If you’re running a site through a CDN (Content Delivery Network), many CDNs offer automatic conversion. That’s what I’d recommend because it takes the hassle out of your hands and ensures that every user is getting the most optimized image format for their browser.

But if you want to get technical, you can also convert images manually using tools like Photoshop or online converters. Once converted, all you need to do is upload the new files to your server, and you’re good to go.