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How Do Edge Servers Improve Delivery?

Roei Hazout
Edge Servers
September 22, 2024

Edge servers improve delivery by reducing latency and optimizing the speed at which content reaches users. They bring data closer to you, cutting down on the time it takes to travel between your device and the origin server.

When someone talks about improving delivery in the context of the internet or digital content, they’re usually referring to how fast and efficiently information gets from point A (a server) to point B (you). It’s all about speed, reliability, and making sure everything works without interruption. That’s where edge servers come into play.

Now, imagine for a second you’re streaming a video. The video file itself isn’t on your phone or computer, right? It’s stored somewhere on a server—probably pretty far from where you are. The traditional approach would have that file come all the way from its origin to your device. That can cause delays, buffering, or slowdowns, especially if the server is located on the other side of the world.

Think of edge servers as localized mini-data centers that are set up strategically close to where people are accessing content. Instead of your data traveling across continents, it only needs to jump a short distance to the nearest edge server, improving load times and reducing the chances of interruptions.


The Edge Server Concept

An edge server is like a local extension of a broader content delivery network (CDN). You’ve probably heard the term “CDN edge server” thrown around, and that’s exactly what this is. 

Edge servers live on the “edge” of the network, meaning they’re located closer to users, in various edge points of presence (PoPs). These servers handle requests from users in specific geographical areas, caching and delivering content that’s frequently accessed, resulting in fewer, or minimal network hops.

What happens when the content you’re requesting is already stored on a nearby edge server? Boom, it gets sent to you without having to make that long trip back to the origin. This significantly improves the delivery speed, especially for things like videos, websites, and even large file downloads.

Why Does This Matter?

You might wonder: why can’t I just connect to the origin server and be done with it? The short answer is that distance matters, and it affects performance. When you're dealing with digital content, speed is everything. 

Think about how many times you've been annoyed by slow load times, especially when you can’t connect to the edge server and have to wait for your request to be processed from a distant location. That’s exactly what edge computing servers solve.

An edge server reduces latency, which is just a fancy word for the time it takes for data to travel from one point to another. If you’re in New York, and the origin server is in Tokyo, every request you make has to travel across the globe and back. Now, even though the internet is fast, physics still plays a role—distance adds delay.

With an edge server located somewhere close to you, say in your city or region, the distance the data needs to travel is much shorter. Less distance means faster delivery. You experience quicker load times, smoother streaming, and better overall performance.

Edge Servers and CDNs

Edge servers don’t usually work alone; they’re often part of a CDN, which is a network of these servers spread out across various locations. A CDN helps distribute the load so that no one server is handling too many requests at once. This is important for scaling and ensuring that popular content—like a viral video or a big website—is always available and fast for everyone, no matter where they are.

When a request for content is made, the CDN automatically directs that request to the closest edge server. If that edge server already has the content cached, it delivers it directly to you. If not, it will pull the content from the origin server and then cache it for future use. This means that the more a piece of content is accessed, the faster and more readily available it becomes over time, thanks to edge caching.

For instance, if you’re watching a popular show that just dropped on a streaming platform, your first request might still need to go to the origin server, but by the second or third episode, that data is likely cached at a nearby edge server. This keeps things fast and avoids any unnecessary traffic to the main server, improving overall delivery and user experience.

The Benefits of Edge Servers

So how exactly do edge servers improve delivery beyond just reducing latency? Let’s break it down:

  1. As mentioned, edge servers are physically closer to you. Shorter travel distance means quicker load times and a more responsive experience.
  2. By distributing the load across multiple edge servers in different locations, a CDN can handle more traffic and prevent a single server from being overwhelmed.
  3. With content distributed across multiple edge points of presence, if one server fails, another can pick up the slack. This ensures more reliable uptime and service availability.
  4. When it comes to streaming, edge servers prevent buffering by caching frequently requested content nearby. You don’t have to worry about interruptions or slowdowns mid-stream.
  5. Edge servers make it easier to deliver content tailored to specific regions, optimizing the experience for users in different locations. You’re more likely to receive content that’s geographically relevant, which can also help with things like load balancing and network efficiency.

These benefits are just the tip of the iceberg


Edge Computing and Its Role in Delivery

In recent years, there’s been a shift toward something called “edge computing,” which builds on this idea of decentralizing the network. Instead of relying heavily on centralized data centers, edge computing servers are deployed in various local areas. 

These servers not only handle content delivery but can also perform more complex computations and processing tasks locally. This can be a game-changer for applications like online gaming, IoT (Internet of Things), and real-time data processing, where speed and immediate responses are critical.

For example, in online gaming, milliseconds can be the difference between winning and losing. With edge computing servers, the game’s logic and data can be processed closer to the user, minimizing the lag and ensuring smoother gameplay.

Here are some numbers based on the data from Cloudflare:

Metric Traditional Delivery Cloudflare Edge Network
Time to First Byte (TTFB) 600-800 ms 323.7 ms (Comcast)
Total Load Time (for 5 assets) 3000 ms 1100 ms
Round-Trip Time (RTT) 750 ms (NY to Singapore) 150 ms (with an edge server in Atlanta)
TCP Connection Time 150-250 ms 50-150 ms
Global Reach (PoPs) 1-5 locations (traditional) 280+ cities (Cloudflare PoPs)

This is just one Edge CDN, similar, if not better results can be noted depending on your location, network conditions, and CDN mix!

What Happens When You Can’t Connect to an Edge Server?

One of the frustrating things that can happen is not being able to connect to the edge server. This usually happens when the edge server closest to you is either down or overloaded. 

When that happens, your request is routed to the next available server, which might be further away, resulting in slower load times.

In rare cases, there could be network issues that prevent you from reaching the edge server altogether. But typically, CDNs are designed with enough redundancy to avoid major disruptions.

A comparison of latency between edge servers and traditional cloud providers revealed that 55% of users can connect to an edge server with less than 10 milliseconds of latency, while this figure improves to 82% with latency under 20 milliseconds. So, in an ideal world, an edge server can be your best friend.