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Can I Use Cloudinary with a Multi-CDN Setup?

Edward Tsinovoi
Multi CDN
September 20, 2024

Yes, you can use Cloudinary with a multi-CDN setup. In fact, Cloudinary offers a dynamic multi-CDN solution that automatically selects the best CDN for each user, optimizing the delivery of your media across the best CDN services for their location and performance needs.


I’ve personally worked with setups like this, and it’s a pretty straightforward process once you understand the moving pieces. The key benefit here is that no single CDN is perfect in every situation. 

They don’t just pick one CDN and stick to it; they can automatically switch between the best CDN providers in real time based on things like availability, latency, and geographic location.


Cloudinary’s Role in a Multi-CDN Setup

Cloudinary, at its core, is a media management platform. It handles everything from image optimization to video streaming, and part of its strength comes from its ability to integrate with a multi-CDN strategy. 

When you set up Cloudinary with a multi-CDN configuration, you’re essentially allowing Cloudinary to distribute your media across multiple CDN providers based on real-time performance data. 

For instance, if you’re using Cloudinary to serve images to users in Asia and Europe, the platform will dynamically switch between the best CDN providers for those regions.

How Cloudinary Integrates with Multi-CDN

When you're working with Cloudinary, you can take advantage of their built-in multi-CDN setup without much configuration on your end. If you already have your own CDNs in place, Cloudinary allows for some customization in this regard. 

Cloudinary dynamically switches between these CDNs:

CDN Provider Regions Covered Special Features Performance Notes
Akamai Global Advanced security Strong in North America and enterprise settings
Fastly Global Real-time analytics Known for ultra-low latency in high-traffic areas
Cloudflare Global DDoS protection and CDN layer Balanced performance with excellent security

You can choose to use their default setup, which leverages their pre-integrated multi-CDN services, or you can configure Cloudinary to work with your specific CDN providers. 

How to Set Up Cloudinary with Multi-CDN

You don't need to be a technical expert to take advantage of this. Cloudinary automatically handles most of the CDN setup for you once you upload your media to their platform. Here’s a basic outline of how you would go about setting this up:

  1. Sign Up for Cloudinary: You’ll need to create an account with Cloudinary. They offer various plans, including a free tier, which is useful for testing the platform before making any long-term commitments.
  2. Upload Your Media: Once you’re set up with an account, you can start uploading your images, videos, or other media files to Cloudinary. This is as simple as using their API or dragging and dropping files through their dashboard. At this point, Cloudinary begins managing your media and automatically integrates it into their multi-CDN system.
  3. Customize Your CDN (Optional): If you already work with specific multi-CDN providers or want more control over the CDNs used, you can configure Cloudinary to work with them. Cloudinary’s documentation provides details on how to set up your own CDN with their service, though for most users, the default configuration works perfectly fine.

What Does Real-Time Multi-CDN Switching Mean?

The "real-time" aspect of Cloudinary’s multi-CDN switching is important. If you’re already familiar with CDNs, you know that network conditions can change throughout the day. Traffic spikes, server outages, or network congestion can all affect how efficiently a CDN performs in a particular region. 

With traditional setups, you might be locked into one CDN provider, meaning you’d be vulnerable to these fluctuations. Cloudinary’s real-time dynamic switching aims to mitigate that. 

It continuously monitors the performance of its available CDN providers and switches traffic to the one delivering the best performance at that moment. 

It’s not a static setup where the decision of which CDN to use is made once and forgotten. Instead, it’s continuously assessing the situation and making real-time adjustments.

Do You Need to Worry About CDN Management?

With Cloudinary, the need to manually manage CDNs is reduced significantly. In a traditional setup, you might be responsible for managing multiple CDN contracts, switching between them manually, or writing custom code to optimize delivery. Cloudinary removes most of that complexity, offering an out-of-the-box solution that already integrates with top-tier CDNs.

They take the manual work out of it, allowing you to focus on managing your content rather than worrying about the underlying delivery infrastructure. This can be particularly useful if you don’t have a dedicated tech team to handle CDN optimizations or you simply want a hands-off approach.

Bottom Line Is

Yes, you can use Cloudinary with a multi-CDN setup, and they make it relatively easy by managing the switching and optimization for you. Their system dynamically chooses the best-performing CDN based on real-time data, so you don’t have to worry about which provider is the best for a given region or situation. 

If you already have existing CDN contracts, you can integrate those into Cloudinary’s workflow, but for most users, the default configuration is enough to get started.